05 août 2007

Chris benoit's death

As I promised quite some time ago I will post the article where I found out that one of my favorite wrestler was dead.

Tragic End of Chris Benoit

The police authorities declared yesterday that the canadian professionnal wrestler Chris Benoit has strangled his wife and his seven years old son and put a holy book besides them but hanging himself with the wire of a muscular machine.

The inverstigators have found also some anabolics steorids in the house of the wrestler.
They tried to determine his the wrestler, nicknamed The Canadian Crippler was under the influence of this performance drug who can cause paranoia, depression and anger rush more known under the name of "roid rage".
The authorities didn't gave any motive for the murders that happened during the week-end. They refused to comment on Benoit' sanity, no suicide note was also found.
"In a small community like this one, it's weird to see a murder followed by suicide, it's even worse when one of the murdered is a seven year old child. I don't think we'll understand one day", said the prosecutor, Scott Ballard.

Many hours passed

The bodies were found Monday in the after-noon in a residence at the end of a dirt track in the suburbs of Atlanta( 30 km from the city).
Nancy Benoit was killed friday in a living room on the first floor. Her feet and wrists were tied and she had blood under the head meaning she probably tried to defend herself.
His son was killed soon after and his body was found in his bed.
Benoit probably hanged himself a couple of hours later even a day later in his gym in the basement. His body was found hanged by a wire of a muscular machine.

Cruel teatment

Hailing from Montreal, Benoit was a WWE superstar and was known to be a good father and husband.
His wife, Nancy, was a ring manager and was known under the name of Woman. They were married in 2000.
Nancy Benoit filed for divorce in 2003 and the reason was that their union was compromised by the cruel treatment her husband gave her.
She also abandonned the procedure and even abandoned the procedure to keep Benoit away when she accused him of threatening her and also to broke the furniture in the house.
The WWE indicated on their web site that she asked the Police to go to Benoit's house when she was alerted by the wrestler's friends who received "A couple of weird text messages from Benoit early sunday morning". Source: Journal de Montréal of the 27 of June 2007.

here guys is the translated article from my newspapers. I did it from the best of my abilities and this is how I learn of Benoit's death. usually, I don't read the newspapers but that day I searched for the comics in the newspapers and I found that by accident. you can guess I was surprised that morning. Well I'm off guys and i can only say one more thing: keep beleiving in the magic, that will keep it alive forever :)

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