08 juin 2007


Hola everybody,

So how are you guys, on my part, I'm pretty well, just finished my long and tormenting week. Why you might ask. It's quite ismple, I've been working 9 nights straight, never did that before and let me tell you I,m not about to do it soon. What is my job that I spent so much time on, well I'm a simple cashier in a depanneur and i work night time. The damned graveyard shift.

Well to me I love this shift because it let me talk to some of my friends especially you Dear Shadi-chan, I also have no boss bossing me around and stuff like that.

Anyway not a lot to say on my job. Just finished a long week of work. Oh Shadi don't owrry I,m not about to do that again soon.

Well see ya next time and remember to always beleive in magic

2 commentaires:

Shadi a dit…

the graveyard shift, lol. But once you move to Valleyfield u'll have to go to college again. And that means we wont be able to chat anymore? sob sob...

But i'm happy that u dont have to work so hard anymore. :)

Shadi a dit…

yeah, magic and also miracles... i believe someday we can eat chinese fondue together. (and your favourite chicken with brocolli too! Yum yum! =p )